203 research outputs found

    Audiovisual semantic congruency effect with onomatopoeia

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    It has been reported that when a congruent natural sound precedes briefly presented visual stimuli, it promotes performance in psychophysics detection tasks. Onomatopoeias refer to words that phonetically mimic or suggest actual sounds. Onomatopoeic words are a form of sound symbolism and are frequently used in Japanese language. In this study, we examined whether the presentation of spoken Japanese onomatopoeia to Japanese native-speakers results in visual detection sensitivity changes. Results indicate that when onomatopoeias are presented 227 ms before a visual stimulus, they have a modulatory audiovisual effect. This effect is closer to the results observed with natural sounds than spoken words, with d’ being lower for onomatopoeias when compared with natural sounds. Such suggests that Japanese spoken onomatopoeias may be processed in a manner that is closer to natural sounds than spoken words and points to behavioral consequences of sound symbolism

    Relevance between “Physical Body” and “Health” Field of Childcare Contents in Froebel’s “Edsucation of the Human Being” (4th report) : by Focusing on “Section 3 Human Being as a Boy”

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    本論は,F.フレーベル[1782-1852]の著書『人間の教育』(1826)「第三篇 少年としての人間」の論述に関して,「幼児の活動と身体遊戯」「身体の堕落」「人間の本質としての善」「衝動と身体」等について,その現代的意味を保育内容「健康」領域との関連性において考察した。フレーベルが述べた「幼児の活動と身体遊戯」に関する著述に関しては,「走る」「球技(ボール遊び)」「鬼ごっこ(鬼遊び)」に関連性が見られるものの,「打ち合う」「相撲」「戦争ごっこ」「狩猟ごっこ」に関しては,幼児教育関係告示文や『小学校学習指導要領』を見る限り,関連性は確認できなかった。一連の研究は,本論(第四報)で打ち切りにするため,第一報から第四報の総括をした


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    This paper examines the central issue of Die Idee der Staatsrason in der neuerenGeschichte (Meineckel976 [1924]) written by a German historical philosopher FriedrichMeinecke, in pursuit of limiting state power. Usually his arguments about “Staatsraon”were discussed in the context of the problem regarding the interpretation of the politicalthought of Machiavelli .But I try to present his key concepts according to his trueintention and as free from the complicated arguments about the political thought ofMachiavelli as possible. Meinecke’s reflections on “Staatsrason”are still valuable for ourefforts to limit state power

    Issues of Health Education in Early Childhood and Formation of Young Children's Body Image

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    本論は,幼児期の健康教育の課題を明らかにすると共に,幼児の身体像の形成が教育的効果を生むことの可能性について検討するものである。健康教育は,「健康や自分の身体への興味関心」「習慣形成等の実践力」「科学的な正しい知識」を並行して育成することが効果的であると考える。発達過程によって重心を置く項目が異なるが,「健康や自分の身体への興味関心」については,幼児教育から中学校教育まで一貫して重要であると考えられる。それには,各発達過程や学校の教育形態の特色を生かした教材の開発が求められる。例えば,幼児期の健康教育においては,自分の身体像や身体感覚を表出する保育教材が想定できる。This paper discusses the issues of health education in childhood and examines the possibility that the formation of the body image of young children can bring an educational effect.We believe that health education would be effective by developing "interest in health and one's own body," "practical skills for habit formation" and "scientifically right knowledge" at the same time. Although which item we should focus on is depending on the developmental process, "interest in health and one's own body" is considered to be consistently important from education in early childhood to education in junior high school. This requires the development of teaching materials that take advantage of the characteristics of each developmental process and school educational format. For example, for the health education in early childhood, we can assume materials that express their own body image and sensation

    MUTYH Gln324His gene polymorphism and genetic susceptibility for lung cancer in a Japanese population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic polymorphisms of DNA repair enzymes in the base excision repair (BER) pathway, may lead to genetic instability and lung cancer carcinogenesis. We investigated the interactions among the gene polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and lung cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed associations among <it>OGG1 </it>Ser326Cys and <it>MUTYH </it>Gln324His gene polymorphisms in relation to lung cancer risk using PCR-RFLP. The study involved 108 lung cancer patients and 121 non-cancer controls divided into non-smokers, smokers according to pack-years smoked in Japanese.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that the <it>MUTYH His/His </it>genotype compared with <it>Gln/Gln </it>genotype showed an increased risk for lung cancer (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.03, confidence interval [95%CI], 1.31–7.00, p = 0.010), whereas there was no significant increase for the <it>Gln/His </it>genotype (adjusted OR 1.35, 95%CI 0.70–2.61, p = 0.376). The <it>MUTYH His/His </it>genotype was at a borderline increased risk for both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (adjusted OR 2.50, 95%CI 0.95–6.62, p = 0.065 for adenocarcinoma; adjusted OR 3.20, 95%CI 0.89–11.49, p = 0.075 for squamous cell carcinoma, respectively). However, the <it>OGG1 Ser/Cys </it>or <it>Cys/Cys </it>genotypes compared with the <it>Ser/Ser </it>genotype did not have significantly increased risk for lung cancer, containing either adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma. The joint effect of tobacco exposure and the <it>MUTYH His/His </it>genotype compared with the <it>Gln/Gln </it>genotype showed a significant association with lung cancer risk in smokers, and there was not significantly increased in non-smokers (adjusted OR 3.82, 95%CI 1.22–12.00, p = 0.022 for smokers; adjusted OR 2.60, 95%CI 0.60–11.25, p = 0.200 for non-smokers, respectively). The effect of tobacco exposure and the <it>OGG1 </it>Ser326Cys showed also no significant risk for lung cancer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that the <it>MUTYH </it>Gln324His polymorphism appear to play an important role in modifying the risk for lung cancer in the Japanese population.</p

    Caviar substitute produced from roes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    ABSTRACT. The caviar substitute is obtained from processed fish roe, resulting in a product similar to the authentic caviar, prepared with sturgeon roe. The objective of this study was to develop a caviar substitute from roes of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Four treatments were tested and we followed the steps of saline wash, drain, immersion in saline solution containing lactic acid for pH adjustment (4.3 to 4.5), salt addition (1.5 or 3%), traditional pasteurization or fast heat treatment, cooling and storage (0 to 4°C). The products were subjected to the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses and showed stability and safety for consumption up to 180 days in storage under refrigeration (0 to 4°C). Consumers showed preference for product containing 1.5% NaCl and subjected to fast heat treatment. The results suggest that caviar substitute developed with rainbow trout roes presents potential to production. Keywords: heat treatment, safety for consumption, stability. Sucedâneo de caviar produzido com ovas de truta arco-íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) RESUMO. O sucedâneo de caviar é obtido a partir de ovas de peixe processado, resultando em um produto análogo ao caviar legítimo, preparado com ovas de esturjão. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver o sucedâneo de caviar de ovas de truta arco-íris, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Foram testados quatro tratamentos para o produto, seguindo as etapas de lavagem em solução salina, drenagem, imersão em solução salina adicionada de ácido lático para ajuste do pH (4,3 a 4,5), adição de sal (1,5 ou 3%), pasteurização tradicional ou tratamento térmico rápido, resfriamento e armazenamento (0 a 4°C). Os produtos, submetidos a análises físico-químicas, microbiológica e sensorial, apresentaram-se estáveis e seguros para o consumo até 180 dias, em estocagem sob refrigeração. Os consumidores apresentaram preferência pelo produto com 1,5% de NaCl e submetido ao tratamento térmico rápido. Os resultados sugerem que sucedâneo de caviar desenvolvido com ovas de truta arco-íris apresenta potencial para produção. Palavras-chave: tratamento térmico, segurança para consumo, estabilidade